
Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you


Absolute agony!

Our Agony Aunt answers your questions.

Dear Agony Aunt,

1 I'm in a total mess here – hope you can help me out!

2 I'm 17, and a member of our school basketball team. I'm crazy about basketball, and pretty good at it too, which is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. We played well, but I felt the team were let down by one member, our point guard. The point guard is a key player, but it was like he wasn't even on the court! Disappointed by his behaviour, I said all this to my best friend. I was just letting off steam really, because I was so angry, but then my friend went and told everyone else what I'd said.

3 This is so totally awkward. I'm really angry with my friend – what should I say to him? And should I say anything at all to my teammate?

4 Embarrassed and ashamed, I can't concentrate on anything. Please help!



Dear Ben,

1 There is an old American saying, “Loose lips sink ships.” This means that if you speak too much about something, especially to people who you don't know so well, it'll cause all kinds of trouble.
美国有一句老话:“口风不紧船舰沉(祸从口出)。” 意思是说如果你过多地谈论某件事,尤其是跟你不太了解的人谈,会招来各种麻烦。

2 The situation here is so much worse because the “loose lips” were your best friend's. Treated this way, you're sure to feel hurt – we should always be able to trust those closest to us, and it hurts even more when we find we can't.

3 But I have to say that it's partly your fault, isn't it? You admit that you were “letting off steam”. It is understandable in that situation, but we should always think before we speak.

4 Here's what you need to do. First, apologise to your teammate. If you ever want to win any more basketball games (and I'm sure you do!), you need to work together, and that means communicating with each other clearly and resolving conflicts. So have a chat with your teammate. Tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking.
现在你应该这么做。首先,向你的队友道歉。如果你们想赢得更多的篮球比赛(我肯定你们一定想赢! ),你们就必须团结合作,这就意味着你们彼此间必须沟通清楚,解决矛盾。所以,找你那位队友聊聊吧。坦诚地告诉他你当时的话没有经过认真考虑。

5 Then, talk to your friend. Friendship should be one of the greatest things in the world, but sometimes it can be difficult. Again, your strategy is clear communication. Tell your friend you're angry with him for repeating what you said and making the situation worse, but that you want to move on. Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired.

6 Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, think about your own behaviour. Don't say too much when you're angry! Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind. This gives people the wrong signal. Take a deep breath, calm down, and always remember: think first, speak later. If you feel one of your teammates isn't pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach.

7 If you think about other people's feelings as well as your own, you'll soon find everything works out.

8 Good luck!

Agony Aunt


Little White Lies

1 Written more than two hundred years ago, these lines by Walter Scott remain one of the most well-known excerpts of Scottish poetry:

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!

2 We all know that honesty is an important value and that lying is wrong, but who can honestly say that they've never told a lie? Perhaps we comfort ourselves with the knowledge that most of the lies we tell are “white lies”: little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth.

3 We've all surely had the experience of someone cooking a meal for us that we don't like. The majority of us of course don't tell the truth – we lie and say that the food is “delicious”.

4 Or if a friend asks us what we think of their new haircut, we say “It's great!”, even if we think it's awful. But to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these?
或者有朋友问我们他的新发型怎么样,即使我们觉得很糟糕,我们也还是会说:“太棒了!” 但是这些善意的谎言到底有多正当呢?

5 One of the main reasons for telling a white lie is to try to make others feel better. However, when we lie and say that someone's haircut looks good, or when we say that we love a meal that we secretly hate, are we really hoping to improve the situation for someone else? Perhaps we are in fact lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others.

6 Another reason for telling a white lie is to give encouragement. Say for example that your friend asks you what you think of his singing. You of course say that it's wonderful, despite secretly thinking that your cat can sing better. Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants some frank comments from you so that they can improve. Or perhaps, they need to know that they should look for a different hobby.

7 Finally, we may also tell a white lie when we want to protect others from bad news. If you've had a bad day, do you tell your parents about it, or do you hide your tears and lie that your day was “fine”? If the latter, don't you think your parents would want to listen to you and understand your feelings? Wouldn't it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice?

8 Going back to Walter Scott's lines, we may find even white lies have results we cannot know in advance. Perhaps the meal you said was “delicious” will be served every time you visit. Would your friend trust your opinion again if he found out you had lied about his “wonderful” singing? How would you expect others to truly understand your emotions if you only shared good news instead of bad? Moreover, how would you feel if you discovered that the people closest to you had been hiding the truth from you?

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