
Unit 2 Improving yourself




Today marks the last day of the Social Media Detox, Brenton High's fundraising campaign for new sports equipment. At the start of the detox, over 100 students had been persuaded to stop using social media, in ANY form, for seven days. This meant no messaging friends, no posting photos, no blogging – nothing. They had been promised money by family and friends for each day spent without using social media. They were excited. They were nervous. But could they do it? With the detox now finished, they've switched on their devices and they're back online. I bet you're as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motivated enough to last the full seven days! And what, if anything, has been learnt from the experience?


I lasted two days. The detox was more difficult to tolerate than I had expected. I felt like I had lost an arm! Not eating for two days would have been easier! But on reflection, I can see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my phone. I'm now trying to spend less time online and more time picking up my hobbies.


I lasted four days. On Monday, my classmate and I spoke about what we did at the weekend – it felt really strange not to already know what he had done. We would usually have posted pictures and updated our profiles. Doing the detox meant we had to talk and explain what we were doing and thinking! It made me realise the value of real contact that I had forgotten.


I managed the whole week! At first, I really felt I was missing out. Then, instead of messaging my friend, I went round to her house. Without our phones, we had a proper conversation for over two hours, without being distracted by messages from other people. It felt so good! Then I decided to visit a different friend every day. By the fifth day, I wondered – was I really missing out by not constantly checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to?


I did all seven days, too! To be honest, I didn't find the detox too difficult, but I did give my phone to my dad to avoid giving in! My brother thought I should make full use of the time without my phone, so he took me to check out our local sports centre. An hour's sport each day left me tired out and wanting to go to bed early. The detox made me healthier!


I'm embarrassed to say that I threw in the towel on the first day! I knew there was a party happening that evening, but without access to social media I couldn't remember where it was! In the end, I turned on my phone to check, but couldn't resist having a quick look at my social media accounts. What's worse, I then spent so much time catching up on news, I almost missed the party!


The detox raised a total of £1,632.82 for new school sports equipment! Well done, everyone who took part! After reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something other than money has also been raised through the detox. Awareness of just how much we rely on social media can help us step away from it and communicate with each other better.


Valuable Values

1 The spending power of young people varies from person to person. Each, however, is faced with the same question: what to do with their money? Some handle this less well than others. Recent headlines have seen more and more teens maxing out their parents' credit cards on games or other online activities.

2 In contrast to these big spenders, there are also teens that prove age is no barrier to making good use of money. With the help of her grandmother, eight-year-old Khloe Thompson started making “Kare Bags” for the homeless people in her district. Inside the bags are necessities such as toothpaste, soap and socks, bought first with her pocket money and then through crowd funding. These items helped to make the lives of poor and homeless people a little bit easier. On receiving a Kare Bag, one woman said, “You make me feel like a human being.”
与这些花钱大手大脚的人相比,也有一些青少年证明了年龄并非善于利用金钱的障碍。年仅八岁的科洛·汤普森在祖母的帮助下,开始为她所在区的流浪者们制作“爱心包包”。包里面装着一些生活必需品,比如牙膏、肥皂和袜子等。最初购买这些物品用的都是她自己的零花钱,后来则是通过众筹购买。这些物品让贫穷和无家可归的人生活得稍微轻松了一些。在收到“爱心包包”时,一位女士说: “你让我觉得自己活得像个人。”

3 However people intend to use their money, managing it seems to be unprecedentedly important to younger generations. A 2016 study said 17 states of the US require high school students to take courses in personal finances. For those who have no access to courses, help might be at hand thanks to Jerry Witkovsky and his method of using four jars to teach teenagers how to spend their money wisely.

4 When Jerry's grandchildren turned 13, his present to each of them was three jars: one for Spending, one for Saving, and another for Giving – he has since added a fourth jar for Investing. It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive: spend, save, invest or give? Jerry's birthday present to his grandchildren is, however, much more than money and a few jars – he is giving them the opportunity to learn lifelong values.

5 The value taught with the Spending jar is that you are responsible for your own happiness. Money gives you independence and the opportunity to buy something you like. After all, it's OK to be nice to yourself!

6 While the Spending jar is about the here and now, the Saving jar gives you a vision for the future. This could involve saving for university, but it could also mean saving for that special something you've seen in the stores – it's up to you.

7 The Investing jar not only represents a vision for the future, but gives the opportunity to build for the future. Although this could likewise involve putting aside money for your university education, it also means investing in yourself.

8 The Giving jar is all about kindness and helping. Whether you want to help out a friend, give money to an animal charity or to children in another country, it's your money to give to whatever cause you believe in.

9 The wider aim of the jars is to encourage teenagers to think more objectively about money and the things that it can do, so that they grow up understanding, if you like, the value of the valuable. In this way, they will be better equipped in their adult lives to make informed choices about how they use the money they have. Indeed, the small change inside their jars could mean a big change in how they manage their money.

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