
Unit 4 Everyday economics


Business Blossoms

1 As she spoke, Zhang Yue put her hands behind her back to hide that they were shaking. She couldn't, however, hide the line of sweat running down her forehead, which was caused partly by the heat of the television studio, but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her. They stared back, their blank faces giving no clue as to what they would say next. Feeling dizzy, Zhang Yue took a deep breath as she struggled to finish her presentation, “And that is why I need your help in turning my new and exciting business into a successful one.”
发言时,张悦把手藏在背后,以掩饰双手的颤抖。但她无法掩饰从额头淌下的一行汗水。这一部分是由于电视演播室里有些热,但更多的则是由于她害怕坐在她面前的四个人。他们面无表情地凝视着她,让人根本看不出他们接下来会说什么。张悦感到一阵眩晕,做了个深呼吸,然后努力完成她的陈述, “这就是为什么我需要你们的帮助,使这个全新的、激动人心的创业项目获得成功。

2 Now chairwoman of her own company, Zhang Yue is fond of saying, “The early bird catches the worm.” The place where this happens is a valley, a world away from any television studio. Moving carefully through the darkness, she passes row upon row of rose plants. In an hour, these fields will be full of people, working quickly to pick the flowers before sunrise. “It has to be done then,” says Zhang. “These flowers are delicate.”
张悦现在是自己公司的总裁,她总喜欢说:“早起的鸟儿有虫吃。”她创业的地点在一个山谷里,这是一个远离任何电视演播室的世界。她小心地在黑暗中穿行,经过一排又一排的玫瑰植株。一小时后就会有许多人来到这里,趁着日出前的时间快速采摘玫瑰花。“必须在那个时候采。”张悦说, “这些花是很娇嫩的。”

3 Zhang never thought that this was something she would end up doing. Surrounded by roses as she was growing up, she paid them little attention. It was only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents that Zhang realised the potential. “Conditions are ideal here,” she says. “This is a place where roses grow wild.”
张悦以前从未想过自己会做这一行。她从小到大,到处都是玫瑰,她很少注意到它们。直到她结束海外留学生活,回国看望父母时,才意识到这里的潜力。“这里的条件非常理想。”她说, “这里适合玫瑰自然生长。”

4 Zhang therefore decided to return to her home town and grow roses, which surprised many people. “I wanted to experience the freedom of being my own boss,” she said. “But I also wanted to give something back to my home town. As people say, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’”
因此,张悦决定回到家乡,开始种植玫瑰,这让很多人感到惊讶。“我想体验自己当老板的自由。”她说, “同时我也想回报我的家乡。有句话说得好:“养育一个孩子需要整个村庄的力量。”

5 She is not the only young person to have been bitten by the start-up bug. All over the world, an increasing number of enterprising young people are thinking of starting their own businesses, as the growing economy creates more opportunities. Like Zhang, they present their ideas in the hope of getting investment and advice, and they have the same passion and devotion. The majority meet with rejection. A few, like Zhang Yue, find themselves lucky enough to get investment and the all-important input and support from more experienced business people. The road to their success is however still a long and difficult one, with many challenges along the way.

6 As someone who grew up in the country, Zhang already knew about growing plants. However, like any entrepreneur who was just starting out, she still had a lot to learn. She has overcome a number of obstacles in nursing her business to the success it is today. “The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work for me, which was totally outside my experience. Few in the village believed I could create a multi-million yuan business from flowers,” says Zhang. “After I went on TV, a major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics was willing to purchase my product and help with its distribution. It was only then that the locals began to believe me. Now my product is one of the best in Asia. This year, I can pay all my fellow workers a decent bonus.”
作为一个在农村长大的人,张悦已经比较了解作物种植。不过,跟所有刚起步的企业家一样,她要学的还有很多。为了取得今天的成就,她精心打理生意,克服了许多障碍。“在初始阶段,最大的挑战就是说服人们来为我工作,这完全超出了我的经验范围。村里几乎没人相信我能从花卉生意中赚到几百万元。”张悦说, “我上了电视后,一家亚洲大型化妆品制造商表示愿意购买我的产品并且帮忙分销。直到那时本地人才开始相信我。现在我提供的是亚洲最好的产品之一。今年,我可以给我的同事们发一笔丰厚的奖金了。”

7 Seeing her peers who also dream of success and independence, Zhang has mixed feelings. Though she welcomes the new entrepreneurial spirit, she advises that people be realistic and seek guidance from expert consultants before rushing into things.

8 “I love running my own business, but it's not for everyone,” says Zhang. “To succeed in business, you need more than a good idea, hard work and determination. What really matters is a sound business plan, access to capital, and good management and negotiating skills. Most of all, don't be too ambitious. You should know your own limits and those of the people you work with. For young people who have little life experience, that can be a challenge.”
“我热爱经营自己的生意,但不是每个人都适合做这个。”张悦说, “要想在事业上取得成功,你需要的不仅仅是好的理念、勤奋和决心。真正重要的是一个合理的商业计划,获得资金的渠道,以及良好的管理和谈判技巧。最重要的是,不要野心太大。你得知道自己的极限,还有与你共事的人的极限。对于缺乏生活经验的年轻人来说,这可能是个挑战。”


What's mine is yours.

1 We've been told since we were toddlers that “It's good to share”. Parents and teachers keep reminding us to share toys, snacks, books, happy memories, and sometimes even sorrows with others. When we grow up, we share photos, life stories and opinions with people around us and with those we don't know via social media. Taking it as an object of study, psychologists have published various papers stating that the behaviour of sharing is beneficial to setting up positive emotional bonding.

2 Today, the action of sharing takes on extra meaning. It's not just about sharing sweets or frustration; it has expanded to almost every aspect of our lives – the whole world seems to be into sharing. We are using technology to reduce the money that we spend on goods and services, or to make money out of those that we don't use ourselves all of the time. These vary from car shares to home shares, and even to pet shares. The sharing economy is taking off in all sorts of areas. It is creating new ways of thinking and is providing services to people when and where they want them.

3 This wealth of ways of sharing is a response to our increasing demand for quality goods and services at competitive prices, all delivered at the click of a button. Whether it's an online shop where we can hire designer clothes at rock-bottom prices, or a platform from which we can rent out our flats for a couple of days, it's out there. Whether we're a lender or a borrower, it's a win-win situation; everyone makes or saves money. We also make connections and sometimes even make new friends. What's more, sharing encourages us to reuse items, thereby cutting down on waste. And set-ups such as bike and car sharing do a further favour for the environment by reducing the number of polluting vehicles on the road.

4 But the sharing economy is not without its problems. As is often the case all over the world with new areas of economic activity, the sharing economy is developing faster than existing regulations or ongoing supervision. Some companies are taking unfair advantage of this situation to expand their share of the market, often at the expense of more traditional and established companies. In addition, the sharing economy is subject to abuse of trust. Some people have experienced damage to their properties whilst renting out their homes, and others have found themselves victims of theft or attack while sharing rides. Finally, personal data, the heart of the sharing economy, is not yet secure. Sharing platforms collect personal information about almost every part of our lives, including our names, locations, bank information, and individual preferences for goods and services. Yet, the technology to prevent such information from leaking or being stolen still needs improvement, and the awareness of potential risks is low among both service providers and users.

5 Nonetheless, what is in no doubt is that the sharing economy is increasingly relevant to our daily lives as well as to the global economy. It is expanding at such a rate that we can only imagine what it will comprise in the future. What will we be sharing next? Who will be sharing and how? And the most interesting question of all – what type of society will all this sharing take us to?

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