
Unit 1 Food for thought

Tina: Look, let's try this restaurant. It serves lots of traditional British dishes. It would be nice to eat something healthy.

Sam: That sounds good. What's on the menu?

Tina: Umm… Fish and chips. That's a very traditional British dish. I've always wanted to try it because I love seafood. What do you think?

Sam: Not a good idea! You know that it is a fried dish, don't you? The ingredients are fried in oil.

Tina: Oh, I didn't think of that… Still, it's okay to have a real treat once in a while. Well, how about scones? What are they?

Sam: Scones are a snack. They are little cakes with dried fruit in them.

Tina: They sound delicious!

Sam: They are, and you eat them with jam and cream. They're usually part of a traditional afternoon tea.

Tina: Sorry, there's a problem with that. I think I'd prefer to eat a proper meal. It would be nice to have a traditional British afternoon tea here some other time. Hmm… Roast lamb with potatoes and vegetables sounds great.

Sam: It does! But a word of advice: a roast lamb is usually a very large dish. It'll probably come with sausages, sauce, bacon and stuffing.

Tina: That does sound like a lot of food! I'm not that hungry. I won't have roast lamb, then. Which of these is a smaller dish?

Sam: You might like a ploughman's lunch. It's simple food, but tasty.

Tina: What's a ploughman's lunch?

Sam: It's a piece of bread with cheese, a boiled egg and salad.

Tina: That's just what I'd like! I think I'll have a ploughman's lunch.

Sam: Right, let's go inside and see if there have a table.

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