
Unit 2 Making a difference

A: Good morning! Welcome to Fairfield Public Library. How can I help you?

B: Er, Good morning. I'd like to know if you have any voluntary work available during the summer holidays. Um, I'd really like to work with children if possible.

A: Yes. We do. We have some work suitable for teenage volunteers aged between 16 and 18 years old. So, how old are you?

B: I'm 16 and I'm a high school student.

A: OK.

B: What sort of work do the volunteers do?

A: We need volunteers to help children sign up for the summer reading challenge, organise games, hand out prizes, show films, help at story times, special events and much more. Are you interested in doing this kind of work?

B: Yes, absolutely. I'm a member of the library and thinking of a career working with children. What are the working hours?

A: Well, It depends. The library is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday. On Saturday, it's open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It's closed on Sunday. You can choose any one or two days to work in a week.

B: That sounds great. How do I become involved?

A: The first step is to complete an application form. If you're selected, you need to attend a one-hour training session in June. We'll email you to confirm the exact date nearer the time.

B: I see. Where can I find the application form?

A: You can download the Teen Volunteer Application form from our website and then send your completed form to Judy, Branch Children's Librarian, at judy@fplct.org.

B: OK. Thank you very much indeed.

A: You're welcome.

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