
Unit 3 The world of science

Ross: What were you doing?

Kim: I was just using a new app called “Be My Eyes”.

Ross: “Be My Eyes”? What's that about?

Kim: Well, it connects blind people with people who can see, so they can help them read things.

Ross: That sounds nice! How does it work?

Kim: Say, for example, that a blind person is cooking dinner and she needs to know if she has a tin of tomatoes or a tin of corn in her hand. Well, she can connect to Be My Eyes using her smartphone and find a volunteer to read the tin's label for her using the phone's camera.

Ross: Neat idea! Who came up with it?

Kim: A guy by the name of Hans Jorgen Wiberg in Denmark. When Hans was 25 years old, he came up with a disease which will one day make him completely blind. Because he can still see for now, he decided to help blind people. It turn s out they often need help with simple things that require sight, so they are always having to ask their neighbours, friends and family for help.

Ross: That must be frustrating.

Kim: Yes, but they have no choice. So, one day, Hans saw a blind person use a video call to ask a friend to read something for him, and this gave Hans an idea. Why not make an app where anyone can sign up as a volunteer and help a blind person through their smartphone?

Ross: That sounds so good! Can I volunteer?

Kim: Sure. It only takes five minutes of your time.

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