
Unit 6 Nurturing nature

Bill: We need to decide what we are going to do for our class project.

Janet: Well, I'm really worried about global warming, so we should do something on that theme.

Bill: I've got an idea! We could build a small rain forest in a glass case, complete with plants and frogs, and then a small city in another glass case, with tiny buildings and machines. Then we could measure the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide they produce.

Janet: Wouldn't you agree that your idea is a little too ambitious for us? It is so complicated and will require a lot of time and money.

Bill: I agree that it is complicated, but it will be worth it! Everyone will be so impressed.

Janet: It's just too much work! I already have exams that I have to study for and homework. I simply don't have time for that.

Bill: Well, what's your suggestion then?

Janet: We could just make a poster. It would still have all the elements of your idea, but would be cheaper and easier to make.

Bill: The fact is that half the students in class are going to make posters. It's so boring! We need to do something more exciting … something that will attract people's attention.

Janet: Let's find a compromise then. I know what we can do! My mobile phone has a wonderful camera. We can make a video instead!

Bill: That's true. The city has a rain forest exhibit at the zoo. We could shoot some of the video there and some on the city streets.

Janet: And I can write a script that goes along with the video to explain the problem of carbon dioxide emissions.

Bill: That's really a great idea!

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