
Unit 2 Improving yourself

A: Many students are nervous about making a presentation in English in front of the class. Today we ask school advisor Mr Wang for his tips on how students can improve their performance. Why do students worry about giving presentations?

Mr Wang: I think it is a combination of things. The student may be naturally shy and not like talking in front of a group, even in Chinese. Secondly, they may be nervous about their English ability. That is, they are afraid they will make mistakes and be laughed at. I mean, it is embarrassing to make a fool of yourself in front of your classmates.

A: Ok, so what can students do to make sure the presentation goes well?

Mr Wang: I can give a couple of examples of things that generally help. Firstly, students should really master their topic. For instance, if they are asked to talk about the problem of climate change, they can read a lot of articles about this subject and learn the relevant words to talk about it confidently and fluently. Secondly, they can practise making the speech beforehand. To put it another way, they can rehearse what they are going to say at home in advance. Take Mei as an illustration. She asked a good friend to listen and give feedback on what she did well and not so well.

A: Those are good ideas. But what if a student gets really nervous when they stand up before the class and forget what they are supposed to say?

Mr Wang: Keep notes on cards of your main points and refer to them as you speak. They will help you remember and calm yourself down. Let me clarify. If you are in control of your material and yourself, the presentation will be successful.

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