
高级课程» 第1 单元» 第8 课时» 活动中心

 1 The Internet: A Danger for Teens? — Basic Story

Cell phones and the Internet are great ways to stay in touch with people. There are other things that teenagers
have been doing with this kind of technology too. Some things teenagers have been doing while on the Internet
and cell phones are bad.
Everyone used to be worried about sexual predators when their teens used the Internet. Today they have even
more to worry about. One big concern about kids using technology today is drug use.
The Internet and cell phones have become ways that some kids get drugs or learn how to use them. They are
able to contact drug dealers without their parents knowing about it. This is a very serious concern to many
The government is saying that parents need to watch what their kids are doing on the Internet and who they talk
to on the phone. Many parents have no idea what their kids are doing while online. One man was shocked when
he saw how much information was online showing how to use drugs, make drugs, and buy drugs.
There are some things that parents can do to help. Software products are available that can help with this
problem. They can monitor activity on the Internet. This will let parents see what kind of sites their kids have
been visiting. Also, parents should keep computers in a common room of the house. It is much harder to be
secretive when the family is always near.

 2 The Internet: A Danger for Teens? — Full Story

The White House is warning parents their kids may be using cell phones and the Internet to do more than keep
in touch with their friends.
Until now, most of the warnings surrounding teens and the Internet have been based on concern over sexual
predators. But the federal government is urging parents to be aware of another potential danger.
According to the White House Office of National Drug Policy, America's teens are using technology such as
text messaging and the Internet to facilitate their drug use. Deputy Director Scott Burns issued a statement
Thursday encouraging parents to "e-monitor" their teens' online and cell phone use.
The White House quotes research finding nearly 90 percent of teenagers use the Internet, and nearly half of
teens surveyed said their parents know very little or absolutely nothing about what they do on online.
Additionally, more than half the teens surveyed carried their own cell phone.
Burns said he spent time with his own teenage daughter on the Internet and was "shocked" by the amount of
material showing how to use drugs, make drugs, or buy drugs. Burns said some sites even show how to beat a
drug test.
Software products are available to allow parents to monitor Internet activity in their home. Parents are also
encouraged to move their teens' computer into a common room in the home to discourage secretive behavior.

 3 cell phone

a phone with no cord that can be taken places

 4 common

belonging or used by everyone

 5 concern

to be worried about

 6 drugs

substances that affect the body

 7 Internet

a system that connects computers from all over

 8 monitor

to watch

 9 online

to be connected to a computer system

 10 serious

very important or dangerous consequences

 11 sexual predator

someone who looks for others to have sex with

 12 technology

a way of doing something that uses science
