
高级课程» 第3 单元» 第4 课时» 活动中心

 1 Governor Wants Kids to Eat Healthy — Basic Story

Many people are concerned about the health of children in this country. One big problem is that children are
becoming more overweight. Being overweight is a problem that costs money. People are less productive when
they weigh too much. They also have more health issues when they are overweight.
One thing that makes people overweight is eating too much junk food. Chips, candy and sugary snacks are
called junk food. Junk food is not healthy for people. It can make them overweight. Most junk food contains too
much fat and sugar. When children have too much fat and sugar in their diets, they can become overweight or
even obese.
Teenagers and children eat a lot of junk food. Some studies say that teenagers drink soda every day and eat too
much fast food. They also eat a lot of junk food.
The governor of California wants children to be healthier. He held a special summit meeting to talk about the
problem. He invited several other health groups, as well as children. He talked to the children about staying
healthy. He asked them to exercise more and to stay away from junk food. The governor also took a walk with
the children. He wanted to show them that exercise can be fun. He asked the students for a commitment to stay
The governor also signed a new law. It limits the sale of junk food and soda in school cafeterias. Lawmakers
hope that this new law will stop children from eating so much junk food. They hope this will help make
children healthier in the state.

 2 concern

to worry about

 3 governor

a person who leads a state

 4 health

the condition of one's body and mind

 5 issues

subjects or points being talked about

 6 junk food

unhealthy snack food, full of sugar or fat

 7 overweight

having too much weight

 8 problem

something that is difficult to deal with

 9 productive

creating something that is helpful or useful

 10 summit

a large meeting

 11 teenagers

children between the ages of 13 and 19
