
高级课程» 第3 单元» 第6 课时» 活动中心

 1 Poison Proof Your Home — Basic Story

Many poisoning accidents happen with children between the ages of one to five years. Poison injures many
children each year. Almost all childhood poisonings are caused by not storing things safely.
Medicines, paint, cleaners, bug spray and car products are dangerous to children. Other items are dangerous too.
It is bad when these products are put in places that a child can get to easily. If small children live in or visit your
home, poison proof your home today. You can prevent poisonings by following some simple steps.
Remove household cleaning products from under the sink. Lock them in a sturdy cabinet. Keep all cleaners and
household products out of reach. Put things like medicines, sprays, and powders in a locked cabinet. Make sure
all medicine bottles have safety caps. Keep all products in their original containers. Keep ashtrays empty and
cleaned. Use child-safety latches on all cabinets a child can reach. Do not leave a child and a poison alone even
for a second.
If you are not sure if a child has swallowed poison, you should call a doctor! It is better to be safe than to let a
child suffer.

 2 accidental

not on purpose

 3 childhood

the years between birth and 18 years old

 4 dangerous

something that can hurt you

 5 household

all the people and items in a house; for example, the household furniture

 6 latch

a lock to keep doors closed

 7 poison

something that can kill or seriously harm someone if it is swallowed
