
高级课程» 第3 单元» 第7 课时» 活动中心

 1 Skin Cancer — Basic Story

In California about 9,000 people will die this year because of skin cancer. There are two types of skin cancer.
One type is caused by the sun. The second type of skin cancer happens when the skin cells are turned into
cancer cells. Your risk for getting skin cancer depends on a number of things. Your chances are higher if you
have light-colored skin, have blue eyes, are getting older, or are in the sun a lot. The survival rate for skin cancer
is 80% when found and treated early. Depending on how deep the skin tumors are, different therapies can be
tried. They are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Skin cancer can be prevented by staying out of the sun
during the hottest part of the day. Using sun block with a protective factor of at least 15 will also help. Other
ways of protecting yourself would be to wear hats and long-sleeve shirts. It is also good to look at your skin
each month to find any skin cancers early. Watching for any changes in your skin and staying out of the sun
during peak hours are the two best ways to prevent skin cancer.

 2 cancer

a disease that can kill you

 3 chemotherapy

using strong chemicals to treat cancer

 4 increase

to make larger

 5 prevent

to keep or stop from happening

 6 survival

staying alive

 7 treated

having a doctor take care of you
