
高级课程» 第3 单元» 第9 课时» 活动中心

 1 The Dangers of Fireworks — Basic Story

Fireworks can be very dangerous. People can hurt themselves or others if they are not very careful.
One boy was recently hurt. He was watching someone play with firecrackers. The firecracker was placed inside
of a plastic pencil and then let off. The pencil exploded. A piece of the plastic flew into the boy's eye.
The boy was badly hurt. He does not know if he will ever see out of his left eye again. Doctors will do their best
to fix his eye.
Some types of fireworks are illegal. Illegal fireworks, like firecrackers, explode. They can easily hurt people.
Fireworks that do not explode are much safer and are legal.
No matter what type of fireworks is being used, people must be very careful. It is very important for adults to
always be with their children when fireworks are being used. All types of fireworks can start fires or hurt

 2 adult

a grown person more than 18 years old

 3 careful

cautious; being safe

 4 children

young people

 5 explode

to burst into many pieces with great force

 6 eye

the part of your body you use to see

 7 fireworks

small explosives that make sparkling light

 8 hurt

to be injured

 9 illegal

something that is against the law

 10 safe

not in danger
