
高级课程» 第4 单元» 第2 课时» 活动中心

 1 City Pays Late Utility Bills — Basic Story

Utility bills are the bills you pay for things like gas and electricity. Gas and electricity are what heat and cool
your home. They also give you light. It is important to pay your utility bills. If you do not pay your bills the
services will be turned off.
One local apartment complex had its gas and electricity turned off. People living there thought that there was
problem with the equipment. They had no electricity, hot water, or air conditioning. They were very upset when
they found out why it was all shut off.
The man in charge of the seventy apartments did not pay the utility bill. This was not the first time it happened.
The city already had to pay the bill two other times. If the city did not pay the bill, the tenants would not have
any power.
The tenants needed their power to be turned back on. The utility company said that it might be a day before that
could be done. The tenants were very frustrated.
The landlord was asked why he had not paid the bill. He said that there was a mix-up. He also said that the
apartments would be going up for sale. The city will be able to collect their $50,000 in unpaid bills when the
complex sells.

 2 apartment

a house in a large building

 3 bill

a statement that shows how much money is owed

 4 city

a community where many people live

 5 electricity

power needed for things like lights and heating

 6 landlord

a person who is in charge of property

 7 neglect

to not do something that should be done

 8 power

energy needed to make things run

 9 problem

something that is not right

 10 upset

not happy about something

 11 utility

something people need like gas or electricity
