
高级课程» 第5 单元» 第5 课时» 活动中心

 1 Drivers Caught Running Red Lights — Basic Story

A red traffic light means stop. Many people in one city often did not stop at red lights. Police there pulled over
50 drivers one afternoon for red light violations. They gave these drivers tickets. These tickets can cost a person
up to $338.
Lots of people slow down instead of coming to a complete stop at red lights. Some people call this a California
or Hollywood stop. Those kinds of stops are against the law. The law states that you must come to a complete
stop at a stop sign or red light.
Police hope that by giving drivers tickets it will help them remember to stop at red lights. Cameras were also
placed at 11 intersections to photograph red light violators. This will help catch people who fail to stop at red
lights. If they are caught not stopping at a red light, a picture is taken and a ticket is mailed to their home.

 2 complete

all the way

 3 drivers

people who operate cars or other vehicles

 4 intersection

the place where two or more streets meet

 5 law

a rule set by the government

 6 often

many times

 7 photograph

to take a picture of

 8 police

people who enforce the laws

 9 remember

to not forget something

 10 ticket

a notice stating that a person has broken the law

 11 violation

breaking the rules or laws
