
高级课程» 第5 单元» 第8 课时» 活动中心

 1 Hate Crimes — Basic Story

Some people do not like people that are different than they are. They might hate someone because of their skin
color. They might even hate people that believe in a different religion than themselves.
There is a man that is in charge of making sure all people are treated fairly. He is worried about the bad things
that have been happening to some groups of people. He is looking for signs of hate and also learning what
makes people work well together.
He visited three churches. These churches were burned by someone. It is believed that the person who burned
the churches did not like people of that religion.
This man thinks that more work needs to be done to stop hate crimes like these. He wants everyone to work
together to make changes in the way people treat others. He wants to help this happen.
Hate crimes hurt in many ways. This man said that his office will help groups that are dealing with the effects of
them. He wants all people to get along and stop hurting others.

 2 changes

making things different

 3 church

a place where people go to worship God

 4 crimes

things that are against the law

 5 different

not the same

 6 fairly

treat people as they should be, equal

 7 group

a number of people who are the same in some way

 8 hate

very strong dislike

 9 office

a place where someone goes to work

 10 religion

what someone believes in spiritually
