
高级课程» 第10 单元» 第2 课时» 活动中心

 1 Free Food for Kids — Basic Story

Some children are sent to school with empty stomachs. It can be hard to concentrate and work when you are
hungry. One school district has taken steps to make sure all of their kids are fed.
Anyone under 18 years of age can get a free breakfast and lunch in this school district. It is only served at some
of the schools. Parents can call their school to ask where their kids can get these free meals.
Children can now get breakfast and lunch during the summer too. In the past the meals were only served during
the school year. Many families are very happy to get this extra help for their children.
Students of low-income families used to have to sign up for the free meal program. Now all kids can participate.
The government spends over one million dollars a year on this free food program.
It is very important for children to be well fed. Bodies and minds work better when they are well nourished.
Thanks to this program many children are getting the food they need all year long.

 2 breakfast

the first meal of the day

 3 children

young people

 4 concentrate

to be able to focus on something

 5 food

what you eat

 6 free

to cost no money

 7 lunch

a meal eaten in the middle of the day

 8 meal

food that is eaten; breakfast, lunch or dinner

 9 nourished

when a body has the food needed to stay healthy

 10 participate

to be part of something

 11 school

a place someone goes to learn
