
高级课程» 第10 单元» 第5 课时» 活动中心

 1 Birds of Alcatraz — Basic Story

Alcatraz Island used to be a prison. Prisoners like Al Capone and Scarface used to live there. The people who
ran the prison used to chase birds away. Now thousands of birds live there.
Now the island is a National Park. More than a million visitors come to see and hear about prison history and
see the ruins. They also see white bird droppings. They hear gulls screeching.
The visitors do not all agree about the birds. Bird lovers think they are wonderful. Other visitors complain about
dodging bird droppings. They don't like stepping in it. They say it is scary. They want the National Park Service
to clean up the bird droppings.
The National Park Service does not chase the birds away. They have to choose between saving the buildings of
the prison or saving the habitat of the birds. They say there haven't been any complaints from visitors about the
bird droppings. They say the bird droppings come with the island. There is no water to wash it away.
Visitors to Alcatraz get two for the price of one. They get prison history. They get a bird sanctuary. But they
need to wear a hat!

 2 dodge

quickly move away from something

 3 droppings

the waste from birds

 4 gull

a big gray and white bird that lives near water

 5 habitat

a natural place for plants or animals to live

 6 history

the story of what happened before

 7 prison

a jail, a place where criminals are kept

 8 ruins

old buildings in poor condition

 9 sanctuary

a place where animals or people are safe

 10 screech

to make a high, shrill noise

 11 visitors

people who go somewhere for a short time
