

初级课程» 第1 单元» 第1 课时» 活动中心

 1 Unit Introduction — Welcome!

Hello! Welcome to the First Course English Class.
This is Silvie Marquez. Ms. Marquez is your English Teacher.
Have fun with Ms. Marquez and the other students in the English class.
Click Next to continue.

 2 Unit Introduction — Learning Goals

In this unit you will learn
classroom directions.
the letters of the alphabet.
how to introduce yourself.
how to write your name on a form.

 3 Unit Introduction — Meet Miguel 1 of 4

This is Miguel Morales.
Miguel works at a café.
He is from Mexico.
Miguel speaks a little English.

 4 Unit Introduction — Meet Miguel 2 of 4  

Miguel does not understand.

 5 Unit Introduction — Meet Miguel 3 of 4

Ryan is Miguel's boss.
Ryan says, "Please learn more English."

 6 Unit Introduction — Meet Miguel 4 of 4

Miguel is at the adult school.
He is in English class.
He is learning new English words.
Click Next to learn new English words.

 7 ask

 8 listen

 9 point

 10 read

 11 say

 12 spell

 13 type

 14 watch

 15 write

 16 Listen for it! 1 of 7  

You say, "Nice to meet you, too."

 17 Listen for it! 2 of 7  

Now let's watch some people at a party.

 18 Listen for it! 3 of 7  

Listen to the introductions.

 19 Listen for it! 4 of 7  

Now you ask me.

 20 Listen for it! 5 of 7  

Point to the letter you hear.

 21 Listen for it! 6 of 7  

Please spell that.

 22 Listen for it! 7 of 7  

Write your classmates' names on this paper.
