

初级课程» 第2 单元» 第1 课时» 活动中心

 1 Unit Introduction — Learning Goals

In this unit you will learn
words for people and things in a classroom.
how to make statements with be.
I am a student.
He is a teacher.
how to use contractions.
You're a student.
She's a teacher.

 2 People and Things in a Classroom — Classroom Lesson  

Ms. Marquez: Let's use the alphabet to learn some vocabulary.
Look at this picture.
It's a picture of me.
T-E-A-C-H-E-R. Teacher.
I'm a teacher. I teach English.
Show me your teacher.
S-T-U-D-E-N-T-S. Students.
You are students. You study English.
Show me the students.
Yes. You are students.
C-H-A-I-R. Chair. This is a chair. Show me a chair.
B-O-O-K. Book. This is a book. Show me a book.
P-E-N. Pen. This is a pen. Do you have a pen? Show me your pen.
P-A-P-E-R. Paper. This is a piece of paper. Show me your paper.

 3 class

 4 student

 5 teacher

 6 backpack

 7 book

 8 chair

 9 clock

 10 eraser

 11 notebook

 12 paper

 13 pen

 14 pencil

 15 table

 16 People and Things in a Classroom — Spelling Review  

Spell the words with the students.
