参考答案 - 选修第四册第四单元


Reading and Writing

① What do you think the title below is referring to? Read the text and find out if you are right.



Are you looking for a special gift for a special person? Then this is the site for you. The gift you choose here is not something for a loved one to keep but a voluntary contribution in his or her name to people who really need it.

First, choose a truly useful gift for some of the world's poorest, giving hope for a better future to a community in need. Then, when you purchase the item, we will send you an attractive card for you to send to that loved one. You can use the cards for any special occasion: weddings, births, anniversaries, Christmas, etc.


20 tree seedlings; $5

A loan to set up a women's self-help group; $8

3 months' water supply for one person; $10

Training in vegetable farming; $15

Child vaccinations against 6 killer diseases; $20

School books; $20

Basic adult education; $25

Basic health-care services; $30

One year of primary schooling; $35

A goat; $40

A supply toilet; $50

3 months' water supply for a family; $65

A loan to set up a small business; $85

A sewing machine; $100

Nutritional supplements for a family; $130

Oxen for ploughing; $180

A set of books on health and medical care; $200

Assistance for families headed by children; $300

A community primary school; $500

A village tractor; $1,000

A well and water pump; $1,350


To let you know that I am thinking of you on this special day, I have purchased a gift from the World's Most Useful Gifts catalogue in your name for some of the world's poorest people.

This gift will train a small community in India, Kenya, or Bangladesh in new agricultural methods, and it will provide seeds and simple agricuitural equipment. Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between sickness and health, and between families going hungry and families providing for themselves.



② Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Why might someone purchase a gift from this catalogue?

2 How might a womens self-help group be useful?

3 Which gifts are related to education? How are they useful to the poor?

4 How many gifts are related to health and medical care?

5 Which gifts help to support families? How about a whole community?

③ Discuss the following questions in groups.

1 Is this a good way to provide help to the poor? Why or why not?

2 What other gifts can you think of that might be helpful to poor areas?

④ Think about what students, families, schools, and teachers may need in poor areas. Create your gift catalogue.

1 Make a list of gifts that would be helpful. Use the mind map below to help you.

2 Write a short description for your gift catalogue.

3 Organise your list and create a nice advertisement for your catalogue.


Help for students

● one student's fees for one year

● one student's books for one year

● one student's supplies for one year

Help for schools

Help for teachers

Help for families


第四单元 分享

Suggested Answers

Activity 1

It's a charity programme where someone gives a gift to someone in need, in the name of a loved one.

Activity 2

1 If you buy one of these gifts for a special person, useful things can be given to people who need it as a voluntary contribution in his or her name. Both of you do good things to people who need help.

2 It would help them do some business like sewing to earn extra money for their families.

3 School books, basic adult education, one year of primary schooling, and a community primary school are related to education. These can give the poor access to schools, teachers, and education supplies.

4 Four. They are child vaccinations against six killer diseases, basic health-care services, nutritional supplements for a family, a set of books on health and medical care.

5 Gifts help support families include three months' water supply, nutritional supplements, assistance for families headed by children. Gifts support whole community include a community primary school, a village tractor, a well and water pump.

Activity 3

1 Any way to help the poor is a good way, I guess. Sometimes we just do not know what is really helpful for those people. This way provides a lot of options. You can easily see how your money can do to the poor.

2 I think a microloan is the best gift by far that can be given. It needs to be paid back before more money can be received. Let the people receiving the money decide how it will be invested. Any profits from the result of the investment—whether it is in a sewing machine, a new oven, etc.—can then be used to buy whatever the person thinks he or she needs.

Activity 4


Help for schools: money for a volunteer teacher or printer/computer to make materials

Help for teachers: stationery, helpful internet resources; recommendation of useful apps or other resources

Help for families: nutritional training, overviews of universities or colleges, tips for reducing stress


Want to make a difference to the world? Why not buy a gift, but not for yourself or a loved one: Buy a glit for someone truly in need. This project provides useful things for students, teachers, schools, and families in the poorest areas of the world. With your contribution, you can change a life. Give today.


Gift Catalogue

Want to make a difference in the world? Why not buy a gift, but not for yourself or a loved one: Buy a gift for someone truly in need. This project provides useful things for students, teachers, schools, and families in the poorest areas of China. With your contribution, you can change a life.

Here are some gifts that you can buy:

For students

school uniform ¥50

school meals ¥10

after school tutor ¥8

For schools

printer/computer ¥150

funding for volunteer teacher ¥250

PE facility ¥100

For teachers

stationery ¥50

internet resources ¥50

useful apps ¥20

For families

nutritional training ¥15

overviews of universities or colleges ¥25

help to reduce stress ¥150

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