

25 Sep

keep /kiːp/ verb
kept | kept
keep a diary, an account, a record, etc.
to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer[rɪˈfɜː(r) 查阅] to it later

refer /rɪˈfɜːr/ (sb) to sth
to look at, or tell someone else to look at, a book or similar record in order to find information and help

learn /lɜːn/ verb [ I or T ]
learned or UK also learnt | learned or UK also learnt
to be told facts or information that you did not know

on /ɒn/ preposition (RELATING[rɪˈleɪtɪŋ 有联系])
relating to

equator /ɪˈkweɪ.tər/ noun [ S ]
an imaginary[ɪˈmædʒɪnəri 虚构的] line drawn around the middle of the earth an equal[ˈiːkwəl 相当的] distance[ˈdɪstəns 距离] from the North Pole and the South Pole

globe /ɡləʊb/ noun (WORLD)
the globe [ S ]
the world

informally [ɪnˈfɔːməli] adv.

refer to...as

down under
(in or to) Australia or New Zealand

Next week I'm travelling to Australia to visit a friend there over the school holidays. I plan to keep this blog to record my experiences and what I learn. I have already done some research on the country. Located to the south of the equator,below many other countries on the globe,it's often informally referred to as “down under”.
趁学校放假,我打算下周去澳大利亚看望那里的一位朋友。我计划用这个博客记录我的所见所闻。我对澳大利亚做了一番研究。它位于赤道以南,在地球上许多其他国家的下方,常被非正式地称为“down under"。

iconic /aɪˈkɒn.ɪk/ adjective formal
very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent[ˌreprɪˈzent 代表] particular opinions or a particular time

site /saɪt/ noun [C] (PLACE)
a place where something is, was, or will be built, or where something happened, is happening, or will happen

can't wait
(also can hardly wait)
to be very excited about something and eager to do or experience it

as /æz/ conjunction (BECAUSE)

major /ˈmeɪ.dʒɚ/ in sth verb US
to study something as your main subject at college or university

meet /miːt/ verb (FOR THE FIRST TIME)[ T or I ]
to see and talk to someone for the first time

I have also read about some iconic sites,such as the Sydney Opera House and the Great Ocean Road,and animals like the cute koalas and kangaroos. I can't wait to see all of them! However,as I major in social studies,I'm more interested in meeting people in Australia and experiencing their culture,food,and way of life.

1 Oct

since /sɪns/ conjunction (TIME)
from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now

bring /brɪŋ/ sb to sth
brought | brought
to cause someone to come to a particular place or thing

open-air /ˌəʊ.pənˈeər/ adjective [ before noun ]
used to describe a place that does not have a roof, or an event that takes place outside

barbecue /ˈbɑː.bɪ.kjuː/ noun [ C ]
a meal that is prepared and eaten outdoors using such a frame[freɪm 支架], often during a party

yummy /ˈjʌm.i/ adjective informal
tasting extremely good

typical /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/
showing all the characteristics that you would usually expect from a particular group of things

Sunday roast

originally /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl.i/ adverb
first of all

bakery /ˈbeɪ.kər.i/ noun [ C ]
a place where bread and cakes are made and sometimes sold

fast food /ˌfæst ˈfuːd/ noun [ U ]
hot food such as hamburgers that is quick to cook or is already cooked and is therefore[ˈðeəfɔː(r) 因此] served very quickly in a restaurant

joint /dʒɔɪnt/ noun [C] (PLACE)informal
a bar[bɑː(r) 酒吧] or restaurant that serves food and drink at low prices

butcher /ˈbʊtʃ.ər/ noun [C] (SHOP)
a person who sells meat in a shop

café /kæfˈeɪ/ noun [ C ] (also cafe)
(UK informal caff[kæf 小餐馆])
a restaurant where simple and usually quite cheap meals are served

premier /ˈprem.i.ər/ adjective [ before noun ]
best or most important

on the other hand

introduction /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ noun (FIRST EXPERIENCE)[ S ]
the first time someone experiences something

bean豆 curd凝乳 /ˈbiːn ˌkɜːd/ noun [ U ]
tofu[ˈtəʊfuː 豆腐]
豆腐(同 tofu)

herb /hɜːb/ noun [ C ]
a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes or in making medicine

along with sb/sth
in addition to someone or something else

version /ˈvɜː.ʃən/ noun [ C ]
a particular form of something that is slightly different from other forms of the same thing

inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/ verb [ T ]
to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc.

dim sum /ˌdɪm ˈsʌm/ noun [ U ]
a Chinese meal or snack of small dishes including different steamed[stiːm 蒸(食物)] or fried foods

I'm here in Sydney! Since I arrived,my friend has brought me to my first open-air barbecue and has also shared many different but yummy meals with me,so my first impressions of Australia have been all about food! A lot of typical Australian food,such as the Sunday roast,is originally British. Bakeries,fast-food joints,butcher shops,cafes,and restaurants everywhere provide some of the premier food experiences in the world. The influence of Asian cultures,on the other hand,led to the introduction of bean curd and Asian herbs,along with Australian versions of foods like the Chinese-inspired dim sum.

3 Oct

territory /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ noun [C or U] (AREA)
(an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person

custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ noun (USUAL WAY)[ C or U ]
a way of behaving[bɪˈheɪv 行为] or a belief[bɪˈliːf 信仰] that has been established[ɪˈstæblɪʃ 确立] for a long time

Aborigine /ˌæb.əˈrɪdʒ.ən.i/ noun [ C ]
a word for a member of one of the groups of people who were the first people to live in Australia, which was used officially[əˈfɪʃəli 正式地] in the past, but is now offensive[əˈfensɪv 冒犯的]

native /ˈneɪ.tɪv/ adjective[ before noun ]
relating to[rɪˈleɪtɪŋ tu 有关的] the first people to live in an area

aboriginal /ˌæb.əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl/ adjective
used to refer to[rɪˈfɜː(r) tu 指的是] a person or living thing that has existed in a country or continent[ˈkɒntɪnənt 大陆] since the earliest time known to people

visible /ˈvɪz.ə.bəl/ adjective
able to be seen

Bondi Beach[ˈbɑndi biːtʃ]n.

water /ˈwɔː.tər/ noun[ U ]
an area of water, such as the sea, a lake, or a swimming pool

break /breɪk/ verb (WAVES)[ I usually + adv/prep ]
broke | broken
(of waves) to reach and move over the beach, hit a cliff[klɪf 悬崖] or wall, etc.

My friend and I have arrived in Katherine,a town in Australia's Northern Territory. We're here to learn about the life and customs of the Aborigines,who are native to Australia. The Aboriginal population might be small,but its influence is still visible. For example,“Bondi” in “Bondi Beach” is an Aboriginal word meaning “water breaking over rocks”.

survive /səˈvaɪv/ verb[ I or T ]
to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening[ˈθretnɪŋ 威胁的] situation

vast /væst/ adjective
extremely big

close /kləʊs/ adjective (RELATIONSHIP)
having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support, and sympathy

1.contact /ˈkɒn.tækt/ noun (COMMUNICATION)[ U ]
communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly

2.contact /ˈkɒn.tækt/ noun (TOUCH)[ U ]
the fact of two people or things touching each other

celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ verb (PRAISE)[ T ] formal
to express admiration[ˌædməˈreɪʃn 钦佩] and approval[əˈpruːvl 赞许] for something or someone

just /dʒʌst/ adverb (ONLY)
only; simply[ˈsɪmpli 仅仅]

stick /stɪk/ noun (THIN PIECE)[ C ]
a thin piece of wood or other material

didgeridoo /ˌdɪdʒ.ər.iˈduː/ noun [ C ]
plural didgeridoos
a long wooden wind instrument played by Australian Aborigines to produce a long deep sound

To survive in this vast land on the ocean,the Aborigines had to be in close contact with nature. This shows in their music,too,which celebrates the natural world and the spiritual world around them. Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.

branch noun [C] (TREE PART)
UK /brɑːntʃ/ US /bræntʃ/
one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk[trʌŋk 树干] and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it

hollow /ˈhɒl.əʊ/ adjective (EMPTY)
having a hole or empty space inside

vibrate /vaɪˈbreɪt/ verb [ I or T ]
to shake slightly and quickly, or to cause something to do this, in a way that is felt rather than seen or heard

lip /lɪp/ noun (BODY PART)[ C ]
one of the two soft, red edges[edʒ 边缘] of the mouth

unlike /ʌnˈlaɪk/ preposition (DIFFERENT FROM)
different from

1.horn /hɔːn/ noun (VEHICLE)[ C ]
a device on a vehicle that is used to make a loud noise as a warning or signal to other people

2.horn /hɔːn/ noun (MUSIC)[ C ]
a curved[kɜːvd 弧形的] metal[ˈmetl 金属] musical instrument that is narrow at the end you blow into and much wider at the other end

pitch /pɪtʃ/ noun [ U ]
The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is

skilled /skɪld/ adjective
having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well


while conjunction (DURING)
(also formal whilst[waɪlst =while])
during the time that, or at the same time as

convinced /kənˈvɪnst/ adjective
certain[ˈsɜːtn 无疑的]

The didgeridoo is made from a tree branch which is hollow. To play the didgeridoo,you put your mouth on one end and blow while vibrating your lips. Unlike a horn,there are no finger holes. The didgeridoo player has to change the shape of his mouth in order to change pitch. A skilled player can play for along time without stopping to breathe[briːð]. He does this by continually breathing in through his nose while breathing out through his mouth and into the didgeridoo.I tried to learn how to play it,but after trying for hours,I was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this instrument!

6 Oct

almost /ˈɔːl.məʊst/ adverb
nearly[ˈnɪəli 几乎;差不多]

while /waɪl/ noun
a while
a length of time

mix /mɪks/ noun (COMBINE)[ C usually singular ]
a combination

make up sth
made | made
to form a particular thing, amount, or number as a whole

nation /ˈneɪ.ʃən/ noun[ C ]
a country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions, etc.

shape /ʃeɪp/ verb [T] (CHARACTER)
to decide or influence the form of something, especially a belief or idea, or someone's character

contribute /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/ verb [ I or T ]
to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

contribute to sth
to help to cause an event or situation

immigrant /ˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/ noun [ C ]
a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently[ˈpɜːmənəntli 永久地]

nearly /ˈnɪə.li/ adverb
almost, or not completely[kəmˈpliːtli 完全地]

citizen /ˈsɪt.ɪ.zən/ noun [ C ]
a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being born there or because of being given rights, or a person who lives in a particular town or city

overseas /ˌəʊ.vəˈsiːz/ adjective, adverb
in, from, or to other countries

It's almost time for me to say goodbye to Australia. I've enjoyed my time here very much. After being here for a while,my biggest impression is the complicated mix of peoples and cultures that make up the nation. Although the main cultural influence since 1788 has been Western culture,minority cultures have also played a part in shaping the unique Australian culture,with many of the new cultural influences contributed by immigrants. It is said that now nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas.

personally /ˈpɜː.sən.əl.i/ adverb
used when you give your opinion

1.straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/ adjective (SIMPLE)
easy to understand or simple

2.straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/ adjective (HONEST)
(of a person) honest and not likely to hide their opinions

friendliness /ˈfrend.li.nəs/ noun [U] (SUPPORT)
the fact of supporting or wanting to help someone or something

warmth /wɔːmθ/ noun [U] (FEELING)
a friendly and enthusiastic[ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk 热情的] quality[ˈkwɒləti 品质] in someone or something

Personally speaking,what I like most about Australia is the people themselves. They have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life,and their friendliness and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went.

experience /ɪkˈspɪə.ri.əns/ verb [ T ]
If you experience something, it happens to you, or you feel it.

slogan /ˈsləʊ.ɡən/ noun [ C ]
a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product

There's nothing like Australia.

After experiencing Australia,I have to say that I agree with the tourism slogan:“There's nothing like Australia.”


amazing /əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ/ adjective
extremely surprising


unique /juːˈniːk/ adjective
being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way

1.to /tuː/ preposition (CONNECTION)
in connection with

2.to /tuː/ preposition (BELONGING)
matching or belonging to

with /wɪð/ preposition (DESCRIPTION)
having or including something

Our topic today is “Creatures Unique to Australia”,with questions answered by wildlife expert,Dr Jim Smith.

symbol /ˈsɪm.bəl/ noun [ C ]
a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else

Australia has lots of unique animals,but which animal is a symbol of the country?

as /æz/ conjunction (BECAUSE)

wide /waɪd/ adjective (AMOUNT)
used to describe something that includes a large amount or many different types of thing, or that covers a large range[reɪndʒ 范围; 系列] or area

distribution /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ noun [ C or U ]
the way in which people or things are spread out in a place

throughout /θruːˈaʊt/ preposition, adverb
in every part, or during the whole period of time

tough /tʌf/ adjective (STRONG)
strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated[dɪˈfiːt 击败]

survive /səˈvaɪv/ verb[ I or T ]
to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation

also /ˈɔːl.səʊ/ adverb
in addition

resolve /rɪˈzɒlv/ noun [ U ]
strong determination[dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn 决心]

pouch /paʊtʃ/ noun [C] (OF ANIMALS)
a pocket on the lower part of the body of some female animals in which their young are carried and protected after they are born

temporary /ˈtem.pər.ər.i/ adjective
not lasting or needed for very long

phase /feɪz/ noun [ C ]
any stage[steɪdʒ 阶段] in a series of events or in a process of development

gradually /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ə.li/ adverb
slowly over a period of time or a distance

encounter /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/ noun [ C ]
a meeting, especially one that happens by chance

end /end/ verb [ I or T ]
to finish or stop, or to make something finish or stop

1.hit /hɪt/ verb (TOUCH)[ T ]
to move your hand or an object onto the surface of something so that it touches it, usually with force

2.hit /hɪt/ verb (TOUCH)[ T ]
to touch something with sudden force

kick /kɪk/ verb[ I or T ]
to hit someone or something with the foot, or to move the feet and legs suddenly and violently[ˈvaɪələntli 猛烈地]

hard /hɑːd/ adverb (USING EFFORT)
with a lot of physical or mental effort

please /pliːz/ exclamation[ˌekskləˈmeɪʃn 感叹词]
used to make a request more polite

folk /fəʊk/ noun
folks [ plural ] informal
used when speaking informally to a group of people

pet /pet/ verb[ T ]
If you pet an animal, child, etc., you touch it, him, or her gently and kindly with your hands.

It has to be the kangaroo,as it has a wide distribution throughout the country. It's a tough animal that has to survive in a difficult environment. Also,it cannot walk backwards,so it is always moving forwards. This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation. Baby kangaroos weigh only two grammes at birth. They then find their way into their mother's pouch——a kind of pocket——to stay safe and warm. They sleep and drink milk in that temporary,protected environment until they are about seven or eight months old. After this phase,they go out to try their legs. After they learn to jump,they gradually spend less time with their mother and learn to be independent. Kangaroos may look cute,but encounters with them don't always end so well. Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard,so please folks,if you see some kangaroos,remember they're not for petting!

hold /həʊld/ verb (SUPPORT)[ T ]
to take and keep something in your hand or arms

clarify /ˈklær.ɪ.faɪ/ verb [T] (EXPLAIN)
to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation

Koalas are cute,and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in many places in Australia,it is against the law to even touch them. Can you clarify that?

sensitive /ˈsen.sɪ.tɪv/ adjective (UPSET)
easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed[ɪmˈbærəst 尴尬的], or angry[ˈæŋɡri 愤怒的]

panic /ˈpæn.ɪk/ verb [ I or T ]
panicking | panicked
to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you cannot think or behave[bɪˈheɪv 行事] calmly[ˈkɑːmli 冷静地] or reasonably[ˈriːznəbli 理性地]

hang verb (FIX AT TOP[在顶部固定])
[ I or T, + adv/prep ] hung | hung
to fasten or support something at the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be held in this way

interaction /ˌɪn.təˈræk.ʃən/ noun [ C or U ]
an occasion[əˈkeɪʒn 场合] when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other


interest /ˈɪn.trəst/ noun (ADVANTAGE)[ C usually plural, U ]
something that brings advantages to or affects[əˈfekt 影响] someone or something

in the interests of...
为了... ...起见(考虑)

approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ verb (COME NEAR)[ I or T ]
to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount

pick /pɪk/ sb/sth up(LIFT)
to lift someone or something using your hands

certain /ˈsɜː.tən/ determiner[dɪˈtɜːmɪnə(r) 限定词]
particular but not named or described

session /ˈseʃ.ən/ noun (ACTIVITY)[ C ]
a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity

state /steɪt/ noun (CONDITION)[ C ]
a condition[kənˈdɪʃn 状态] or way of being that exists at a particular time

contact /ˈkɒn.tækt/ noun (TOUCH)[ U ]
the fact of two people or things touching each other

handle /ˈhæn.dəl/ verb (OPERATE)[ T ]
to operate or control something that could be difficult or dangerous

frequency /ˈfriː.kwən.si/ noun (HAPPENING)[ C or U ]
the number of times something happens within a particular period, or the fact of something happening often or a large number or times

occasion /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ noun [ C ]
a particular time, especially when something happens or has happened

They are really quite cute,but the truth is,koalas are very sensitive creatures who can easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. They spend quite a lot of time eating,sleeping,and hanging onto tree trunks,so interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. Because of this,the government began to make laws against touching koalas,in the interest of animal protection,as well as public safety. So,if you see one in the wild,you shouldn't approach it to pick it up or even touch it. If you want to hold a koala,you have to go to certain licensed zoos where animal experts make sure that the koalas selected for each session are in a good state for human contact and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions.

so /səʊ/ conjunction (SENTENCE BEGINNING)
used before you introduce a subject of conversation that is of present interest, especially when you are asking a question

So,we've talked about some cute animals. What about animals which aren't so cute?

creature /ˈkriː.tʃər/ noun [ C ]
any large or small living thing that can move independently

of or relating to Tasmania

devil /ˈdev.əl/ noun (EVIL BEING[ˈiːvl 恶魔])[ C ]
an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns

come across sth
came | come
to find something by chance

scare /skeər/ verb [ I or T ]
to (make a person or animal) feel frightened

hunt /hʌnt/ verb [I or T] (CHASE)
to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit

loud /laʊd/ adjective, adverb
making a lot of noise

cry /kraɪ/ [ C ]
the noise that a bird or animal makes

wake /weɪk/ verb [ I or T ]
to (cause someone to) become awake[əˈweɪk 醒着的] and conscious[ˈkɒnʃəs 清醒的] after sleeping

frightening /ˈfraɪ.tən.ɪŋ/ adjective
making you feel fear[fɪə(r) 害怕]

rather /ˈrɑː.ðər/ adverb (MORE EXACTLY)
more accurately; more exactly

rat /ræt/ noun [C] (ANIMAL)
a small rodent【ˈrəʊdnt 啮齿[niè chǐ]动物】, larger than a mouse, that has a long tail and is considered to be harmful

terrible adjective (UNPLEASANT)
very unpleasant[ʌnˈpleznt 令人不舒服的] or serious or of low quality

diet /ˈdaɪ.ət/ noun[ C or U ]
the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group

generally /ˈdʒen.ə r.əl.i/ adverb
usually, or in most situations

violent /ˈvaɪə.lənt/ adjective (CAUSING HURT)
using force to hurt or attack

towards /təˈwɔːdz/ preposition (MOVEMENT)
in the direction of, or closer to someone or something

My favourite is a little creature called the Tasmanian devil. If you are out camping in Tasmania and come across one,the experience might scare you! Tasmanian devils hunt at night,so you won't usually see them,but you may hear their loud cries when they are fighting or eating. The noise they make could wake the dead. Frightening! They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats. They also have a terrible smell! Their diet is mostly dead animals. Fortunately,despite their name,they are generally not violent towards people.

bill /bɪl/ noun (BIRD)[ C ]
the beak【/biːk/(鸟类的)嘴,喙】 of a bird
鸟嘴,喙[huì 鸟兽的嘴]

platypus /ˈplæt.ɪ.pəs/ noun [ C ]
(also duck-billed platypus)
an Australian river mammal[ˈmæml 哺乳动物] with a wide beak whose young are born from eggs

some /sʌm/ determiner[dɪˈtɜːmɪnə(r) 限定词] (PARTICULAR THING[特别的事情])
used to refer to a particular person or thing without stating exactly which one

Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of,for example,the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird?

while /waɪl/ conjunction (ALTHOUGH)
despite the fact that; although

lay /leɪ/ verb (PRODUCE EGGS)[ I or T ]
(of an animal or bird) to produce eggs from out of the body

nest /nest/ noun [C] (HOME)
a structure built by birds or insects to leave their eggs in to develop, and by some other animals to give birth or live in

primitive /ˈprɪm.ɪ.tɪv/ adjective
relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system


hatch /hætʃ/ verb (EGG)[ I or T ]
to (cause an egg to) break in order to allow a young animal to come out

nurse /nɜːs/ verb [T] (FEED 喂养;吃奶)
When a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it with milk from her breasts[brest 乳房].
When a baby nurses or when its mother nurses it, it feeds by sucking milk from its mother's breast.

1.dive /daɪv/ verb (IN WATER)
to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first, or to move down under the water

2.dive /daɪv/ verb [ I ]
to swim underwater, usually with breathing equipment

hair /heər/ noun [ C or U ]
the mass[mæs 大量] of thin thread[θred 线]-like structures on the head of a person, or any of these structures that grow out of the skin of a person or animal

sight /saɪt/ noun (ABILITY TO SEE)[ U ]
the ability to see

smell /smel/ noun (ABILITY)[ U ]
the ability to notice or discover that a substance is present[ˈprez.ənt adj. 存在的] by using your nose

present /ˈprez.ənt/ adjective (IN A PLACE)[ after verb ]
in a particular place

capacity /kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ noun
the ability to do a particular thing

sensor /ˈsen.sər/ noun [ C ]
a device that is used to record that something is present or that there are changes in something

handful /ˈhænd.fʊl/ noun (A FEW)[ S ]
a small number of people or things

Not at all. While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird,it's really a primitive mammal,with a unique biology. Its eggs hatch after about ten days,and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother like all other mammals. Its nose looks like a duck's bill,and it has feet like a duck's so it can dive under the water,but it's covered in hair. Do you know what's really strange about a platypus? The platypus doesn't use its senses of sight or smell to find food. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that!

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