

reach /riːtʃ/ verb (ARRIVE)[ T ]
to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling

out /aʊt/ adverb, preposition (FAR AWAY)
a long distance away from land, a town, or your own country

across /əˈkrɒs/ adverb, preposition
from one side to the other of something with clear[klɪə(r) 明确的] limits[ˈlɪmɪt 界限], such as an area of land, a road, or a river


curiosity /ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ə.ti/ noun (INTEREST)[ U ]
an eager wish to know or learn about something

form /fɔːm/ verb[ I or T ]
to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist

foundation /faʊnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ noun (BEGIN)[ U ]
an occasion when an organization, state, etc. is established

mankind /mænˈkaɪnd/ noun [ U ]
(also humankind)
the whole of the human race[reɪs 人种,种族], including both men and women

complete /kəmˈpliːt/ verb [T] (FINISH)
to finish doing something

passion /ˈpæʃ.ən/ noun [ C or U ]
a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love, hate, anger, or other emotion

civilization /ˌsɪv.əl.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ noun (DEVELOPED SOCIETY)[ C or U ]
(UK usually civilisation)
human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time

tale /teɪl/ noun [ C ]
a story, especially one that might be invented[ɪnˈvent 虚构] or difficult to believe

route /ruːt/ noun [ C ]
a particular way or direction between places

merchant /ˈmɜː.tʃənt/ noun [ C ]
a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with other countries

set sail /seɪl/
to begin a boat journey

Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind's greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilisations. Marco Polo's tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However,merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.

overland /ˈəʊ.və.lænd/ adjective, adverb
(of travel) across the land in a vehicle, on foot, or on a horse; not by sea or air

extend verb (REACH)
[ I usually + adv/prep ]
to reach, stretch[stretʃ 伸展], or continue

merchant /ˈmɜː.tʃənt/ noun [ C ]
a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with other countries

negotiate /nəˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ verb (DISCUSS)[ I or T ]
to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them

deal /diːl/ noun (AGREEMENT)[ C ]
an agreement or an arrangement, especially in business

awareness /əˈweə.nəs/ noun [ U ]
knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience

exploration /ˌek.spləˈreɪ.ʃən/ noun [ C or U ]
the activity of searching and finding out about something

as /æz/ adverb
used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something

In ancient times,silk from China found its way overland to India,the Middle East,and Rome,along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centred around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each other's cultures. Over the centuries,further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China,as recorded in Du Huan's Record of My Travels in the eighth century.

further /ˈfɜː.ðər/ adverb
comparative of far : to a greater distance or degree, or at a more advanced level
(far 的比较级)更远地,在更大程度上;进一步地

relation /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ noun (FRIENDSHIP)
relations [ plural ]
the way in which two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other

fleet /fliːt/ noun [C] (SHIPS)
a group of ships, or all of the ships in a country's navy[ˈneɪvi 海军]

voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ noun [ C ]
a long journey, especially by ship

behold /bɪˈhəʊld/ verb [ T ] old use or literary【旧时用法或文学上的】
beheld | beheld
to see or look at someone or something

league /liːɡ/ noun [C] (SPORT)
a group of teams playing a sport who take part in competitions between each other

command /kəˈmɑːnd/ noun (ORDER)[ U ]
control over someone or something and responsibility for him, her, or it

royal /ˈrɔɪ.əl/ adjective
belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family

send gifts

gesture /ˈdʒes.tʃər/ noun [C] (SYMBOLIC ACT)
an action that expresses your feelings or intentions[ɪnˈtenʃn 意图], although it might have little practical effect[ɪˈfekt 效果]

spice /spaɪs/ noun (FOOD)[ C or U ]
a substance made from a plant, used to give a special flavour[ˈfleɪvə(r) 味道] to food

return /rɪˈtɜːn/ noun (EXCHANGE)
in return
in exchange[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ 交换]

withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː/ verb (REMOVE)[ I or T ]
withdrew | withdrawn
to take or move out or back, or to remove[rɪˈmuːv 去除]

expedition /ˌek.spəˈdɪʃ.ən/ noun (JOURNEY)[ C ]
an organized journey for a particular purpose

remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ verb[ I or L ] formal
to stay in the same place or in the same condition[kənˈdɪʃn 状况]

channel /ˈtʃæn.əl/ noun [C] (COMMUNICATING)
a way of communicating with people or getting something done【(或)完成某事】

Later,the Ming Dynasty further developed relations with these regions. Between 1405 and 1433,seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration. These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time. Under the command of Zheng He,they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea,and then to the east coast of Africa. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold,silk,and spices. Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.

revisit verb [T] (PLACE)
to go to a place again

maritime /ˈmær.ɪ.taɪm/ adjective formal
connected with human activity at sea

initiative /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ noun (NEW PLAN)[ C ]
a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem

cooperation /kəʊˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ noun [ U ]
the act of working together with someone or doing what they ask you

strengthen /ˈstreŋ.θən/ verb [ I or T ]
to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective

bond noun (CONNECTION)[ C ]
a close connection joining two or more people

invest /ɪnˈvest/ verb [ I or T ]
to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit[ˈprɒfɪt 收益] or get an advantage

To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas,and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. Trading has grown greatly in recent years,and will continue to do so in years to come. China has invested billions in systems and services along these routes,which will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange.

leave /liːv/ verb (NOT TAKE)[ T ]
left | left
to not take something or someone with you when you go, either intentionally[ɪnˈtɛnʃənli 有意地] or by accident[baɪ ˈæksɪdənt 无意地]

the Arctic /ˈɑːk.tɪk/ GEOGRAPHY
the very cold area around the North Pole

point of view /ˌpɔɪnt əv ˈvjuː/ noun [ C ]
plural points of view
a way of considering something

urgent /ˈɜː.dʒənt/ adjective (IMPORTANT)
needing attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important

effect /ɪˈfekt/ noun (RESULT)[ C or U ]
the result of a particular influence

China has also joined its friends across the sea on other important projects. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times,there are still many other places left to explore. In recent years,China has joined other nations on several expeditions to explore the Arctic. From a scientific point of view,there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects.

1.on /ɒn/ adverb (NOT STOPPING)
continuing or not stopping

2.on /ɒn/ adverb (MOVING FORWARD)
continuing forward[ˈfɔːwəd 向前] in time or space

latest /ˈleɪ.tɪst/ adjective [ before noun ]
newest or most recent or modern

in hand [ɪn hænd] adv.
being worked on or dealt with now

enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ verb [ T ]
to improve the quality, amount, or strength[streŋθ 强度] of something

drive /draɪv/ verb (PROVIDE POWER)[ T ]
drove | driven
to provide the power to keep a machine working, or to make something happen

far into the future

Hundreds of years on,and with the latest technology in hand,the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.


text 1:

talk of

explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ verb [ I or T ]
to search and discover (about something)

exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ verb [T] (USE WELL)
to use something in a way that helps you

exploration /ˌek.spləˈreɪ.ʃən/ noun [ C or U ]
the activity of searching and finding out about something

When people talk of exploring the sea more,they usually mean exploiting it. Sea exploration has caused many problems and will continue to cause more.

deepwater(deep-water) /ˌdiːpˈwɔː.tər/ adjective [ before noun ]
happening or found in deep water in the sea, lakes, or rivers

horizon /həˈraɪ.zən/ noun [ S ]
the line at the farthest place that you can see, where the sky seems to touch the land or sea

spill /spɪl/ verb [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]
spilled or UK also spilt | spilled or UK also spilt
to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something

gallon /ˈɡæl.ən/ noun[ C ]
a unit for measuring[measure ˈmeʒə(r) 测量] volume[ˈvɒljuːm 体积;容积]
加仑(液量单位,英制合 4.55 升,美制合 3.79 升)

oil /ɔɪl/ noun (FUEL[ˈfjuːəl 燃料])[ U ]
petroleum[pəˈtrəʊliəm 石油] (= the black oil obtained[əbˈteɪn 获得] from under the earth's surface from which petrol[ˈpetrəl 汽油] comes)

plastic /ˈplæs.tɪk/ noun (SUBSTANCE)[ C or U ]
an artificial[ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl 人造的] substance[ˈsʌbstəns 物质] that can be shaped[ʃeɪp 塑造] when soft into many different forms[fɔːm 形状] and has many different uses[juːs 用途]


tap /tæp/ noun (DEVICE)[ C ] UK
(US faucet[ˈfɔːsɪt 水龙头])
a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe

tap water /ˈtæp ˌwɔː.tər/ noun [ U ]
the water that comes out of the taps in a building that are connected to the main supply[səˈplaɪ 供应] of the local water system

More exploration means more pollution. The Deepwater Horizon spilled over 200 million gallons of oil into the sea in 2010. Plastic pollution is also bad,killing many birds and fish,and has even been found in our tap water.

mine /maɪn/ verb (DIG)[ I or T ]
to dig coal or another substance[ˈsʌbstəns 物质] out of the ground

damaging /ˈdæm.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ adjective
causing harm【造成伤害】

climate /ˈklaɪ.mət/ noun (WEATHER)[ C or U ]
the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place

melt /melt/ verb (BECOME LIQUID)[ I or T ]
to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this

negative /ˈneɡ.ə.tɪv/ adjective (BAD)
bad or harmful

wrong /rɒŋ/ adjective (NOT WORKING)[ after verb ]
not working correctly

Mining for resources is very damaging,especially in the Arctic. Because of climate change,there is less ice now,which means we can look for more fossil fuels further north. But if we burn these,the ice will melt more and this negative cycle will continue. Climate change is warning us that something is very wrong.

overfishing /ˌəʊ.vəˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun [ U ]
catching too many fish in an area of the sea, so that there are not many fish left there

so-called /ˌsəʊˈkɔːld/ adjective [ before noun ]
used to show that you think a word that is used to describe someone or something is not suitable or not correct

ban /bæn/ verb [ T usually passive ]
to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially

mercy /ˈmɜː.si/ noun (KINDNESS)[ U ]
kindness that makes you forgive someone, usually someone that you have authority over

Overfishing is another problem. Whales and dolphins are also hunted for their meat or for so-called research. Although this was banned in 1982,some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy.

possession /pəˈzeʃ.ən/ noun [ C usually plural ]
something that you own or that you are carrying with you at a particular time

huge /hjuːdʒ/ adjective
extremely large in size or amount

generation /ˌdʒen.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ noun (AGE GROUP)[ C, + sing/pl verb ]
all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family

The sea is home to life,not human beings' possessions. It is huge,but it is more sensitive than we think. If we do not protect it,future generations will not forgive us.

Text 2:

opponent /əˈpəʊ.nənt/ noun [ C ]
a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it or tries to change it

may /meɪ/ modal verb (POSSIBILITY)
used to express possibility[ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti 可能(性)]

concerned /kənˈsɜːnd/ adjective (WORRIED)

address /əˈdres/ verb [T] (DEAL WITH)
to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem

issue /ˈɪʃ.uː/ noun [C] (SUBJECT)
a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about

To truly understand our planet,we must explore the oceans which cover most of it. Opponents may be concerned,but sea exploration is important for our future. For example,scientific research ships can help address important issues such as climate change. We need to understand what is happening to our planet so that we can take action. Therefore,more research is necessary.

manage /ˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ verb (CONTROL)[ T ]
to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something, especially a business or employees

resource /ˈriː.sɔːs/ noun[ C usually plural ]
a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country, organization, or person

log /lɒɡ/ verb (RECORD)[ T ]
to officially record something

species /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun [ C ]
plural species
a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed[briːd 交配繁殖] with each other

source /sɔːs/ noun [ C ]
the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause[kɔːz 起因] of something

access /ˈæk.ses/ verb [ T ]
to open a computer file (= a collection of information stored on a computer) in order to look at or change information in it

predict /prɪˈdɪkt/ verb [ T ]
to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience

Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources better. Logging new species will improve our understanding of life on the earth. It may help us discover new medicines,as well as new sources of food and energy. Accessing the deep ocean may also help us to predict events such as earthquakes.

grow /ɡrəʊ/ verb (INCREASE)[ I or L or T ]
grew | grown
to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed

probably /ˈprɒb.ə.bli/ adverb
used to mean that something is very likely

vast /væst/ adjective
extremely[ɪkˈstriːmli 极其] big


oil /ɔɪl/ noun (FUEL[ˈfjuːəl 燃料])[ U ]
petroleum[pəˈtrəʊliəm 石油] (= the black oil obtained[əbˈteɪn 获得] from under the earth's surface from which petrol[ˈpetrəl 汽油] comes)

gas /ɡæs/ noun (AIR SUBSTANCE)[ C or U ]
a substance in a form like air that is used as a fuel for heating and cooking

mineral /ˈmɪn.ər.əl/ noun (SUBSTANCE)[ C ]
a valuable or useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the ground

The population of the world is growing and we need new resources for future development. There are probably vast amounts of resources under the sea and ice,not just oil and gas but also valuable minerals.

risk /rɪsk/ noun[ C or U ]
the possibility of something bad happening

hopefully /ˈhəʊp.fəl.i/ adverb
used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to happen

as /æz/ conjunction (WHILE)
during the time that

option /ˈɒp.ʃən/ noun[ C or U ]
one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice

Of course,there are still environmental risks. However,these should be balanced with economic needs. Hopefully,as technology improves,we may have more options for managing this balance.

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