
South China Tiger Protection
The South China Tiger, whose habitat is in China, is one of the most endangered animals in the world. There are only 30 to 80 South China Tigers living in the reserve, with none in the wild. The reduction in their habitat and people's hunting for their fur and bones have left them in danger. So it is high time that we should take action to protect them. Don't buy any tiger products or we will only see them in the museums in the near future!

A Week in the Wild
This winter holiday, I, together with 30 other students, went to Yunnan and took part in the Wildlife Protection Winter Camp held by WWF.
We spent one week in the wild rainforests learning about endangered animals from wildlife professionals. We observed how different species of monkeys adapted themselves to their natural habitats. Plus, various activities to help protect them have been organized, such as picking up plastics, removing nets and traps and putting up posters. We were amazed by the tireless efforts that the locals were making.
The camp not only raised our environmental awareness, but also deepened our understanding of wildlife protection. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we enjoy a better future together.

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