
One day, Li Ming and I were walking back to the dorm from the boiler room when suddenly his thermos bottle burst and the boiling water caused injuries to his feet.The burn was so severe that the skin was red and swollen. However, I managed to remain calm, quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first-aid class. I placed his feet under the cool running water right away to ease the pain. Afterwards, I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further treatment.
Only then was I aware of how important and practical a basic knowledge of first aid was.

First Aid for Seizures
In our daily life, we sometimes come across a number of cases where people suffer from heart attacks or fall ill suddenly. The following are some tips we can follow to help these people on urgent occasions.
Firstly, remove nearby objects to prevent the person from being further hurt. Don't try to move the person unless he is in danger. Secondly, support his head with a cushion and aid him in breathing once the seizure stops. Thirdly, bear in mind that if the seizure continues for more than five minutes, you should call an ambulance immediately.

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